Need research assistance? One-on-one help is available via the Library’s Virtual Reference Room in Blackboard or phone (325-486-6534) during the following hours:
Search RamCat for books, journals, DVDs, CDs, videos, maps, government documents, and more.
Use common terms and alternate terms such as: Civil War OR War of the Rebellion
Match a person with an event such as: Eisenhower AND D-Day
Match an era with a location such as: "Urban History" AND "United States"
Narrow down results this way: "Roosevelt" NOT "Teddy"
Look for call numbers beginning with a D -- for World, European, Asian, and African History books; E-F -- for History of the Americas.
CB History of Civilization
D-DX History of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, etc.
E11-143 History of the Americas
E151-899 United States History
E184.5-185.98 African American
E186-199 Colonial America
E201-298 American Revolution
E456-655 Civil War
E740-837.7 Twentieth Century
F1-975 US Local (State) History
F1421-1577 Central American History
F1601-2191 West Indies/Caribbean History
F2201-3799 South American History
G1-922 Geography
Need research assistance? One-on-one help is available via the Library’s Virtual Reference Room in Blackboard or phone (325-486-6534) during the following hours: