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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The "design of computers, robots, programmed devices, and software applications having the capacity to imitate human intelligence and thought."

Generative AI

A form of artificial intelligence "that is designed to process prompts from users and respond with text, images, audio, or other output that is modeled on a training set."

Is using generative AI tools Plagiarism?

If you use ChatGPT or any other AI tool for an academic assignment and submit it as your own work, or fail to properly cite the content, you are plagiarizing.

In addition to plagiarism, you risk violating other criteria the Code of Student Conduct (such as cheating) and could be subject to the consequences outlined in the Student Handbook.


These are guidelines to assist while universities and citation styles adapt to the growth in usage of generative A.I. tools in academia. As of the date of this research guide's creation, here are some non-comprehensive suggestions to get you started. You may also want to check with your professor!

Check for University Policies regarding use of ChatGPT or other generative AI tools

For Angelo State University, please consult the most recent edition of the Student Handbook for current guidelines pertaining to the Code of Student Conduct. Improper use of AI tools may constitute violations such as cheating and plagiarism.

Check with your Professor to see if and how you are allowed to use AI

Prior to beginning your assignment, check with your professor to see if use of ChatGPT or any other generative A.I. tool is permissible. If your professor give permission, then you must properly cite all A.I. content included in your assignment.

Follow appropriate Citation Styles for correct citation of AI generated content

Links provided for reference only, please check official style manual for current citation protocols.

APA Style: How to cite ChatGPT (April 7, 2023)

Chicago Manual of Style: FAQ: Citing content developed or generated by AI

MLA Style Center: How do I cite generative AI in MLA Style?


Generated AI content cannot be replicated. If your professor permits use of AI tools and asks for submission of the original generated content you can archive and share the chat using tools such as these listed below: