Researching and writing papers is an important part of your academic career. Doing so strengthens your communication, research, and critical thinking skills. This research guide was originally developed by the Library, but subsequently incorporated input from ASU's English Department faculty to help you succeed writing your research papers. The ASU faculty and librarians strongly recommend that you read this research guide and subsequently refer to and utilize the information and links on all the tabs located above, including viewing all the embedded videos.
Important Web Sites
The following websites will be crucial to your writing success. Be sure that you make use of them!
- Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): This highly respected site is used by college students across the United states to learn and quickly refer to fundamentals for writing research papers. This site also has sections devoted to writing and citing using both the APA and the MLA styles.
- Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing: When researching and writing, you need to approach your topics with a habit of mind that is essential for college and later success. Your faculty will instruct you in doing so with various techniques, and will expect you to demonstrate the skills they have imparted to you. This link will aid you in your writing and help you look behind the curtain to see what they expect and why.
- Sigma Tau Delta: This is an international English honor society with a chapter at Angelo State University. See the English and Modern Languages Student Organizations webpage for more information.