Need research assistance? One-on-one help is available via the Library’s Virtual Reference Room in Blackboard or phone (325-486-6534) during the following hours:
This Course Guide contains information and helpful resources for student assignments in COMM 2335: Argument and Debate.
Includes the text for each of the seven debates, some background information, some key topics for each debate, and U-Search to begin research.
Includes news articles, video recordings, and other resources for various types of town hall meetings including Presidential and local meetings.
This page provides information about the following national policies: Domestic, Economic, Education, Environment, and Foreign. Includes information about each policy, research starters, and recommended databases.
Provides helpful information for understanding the differences between Op Eds and Letters to the Editor. Includes some basics for writing each type of document.
Includes links for recommended databases and web resources for pulling statistics, data, and public opinion information in a variety of different subject areas.
Methods for evaluating information sources to help in selection of authoritative sources that best match your information need.
List of reputable websites to help you interpret the citation style guide used for your classes.
Short videos to help you brush up on research skills and strategy.
How to access databases from off campus and troubleshooting guidelines should you encounter any problems with access.
Need research assistance? One-on-one help is available via the Library’s Virtual Reference Room in Blackboard or phone (325-486-6534) during the following hours:
The Porter Henderson Library is a Congressionally designated depository for US Government Documents.