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Accessing Library Databases from Home

Whether you live locally or far away, you can access library databases from home. Here are a couple of tips to get you started.

  • Always go to the databases from the library's website. You can use either the U-Search or  Databases tab to begin your search.
  • Do not try to access a database from an Internet search. For example: do not open Google and search for the database JSTOR.
    • Unfortunately, the database cannot recognize you as an authorized user unless you go through the library's website.
  • Use your Angelo State University username and password to log in to U-Search and the databases.

If you experience any difficulty accessing the databases, please use the troubleshooting guide below and contact us if your problem continues.

Troubleshooting Access Problems

If you are experiencing problems accessing the library's databases, this page will help you correct the most common issues.

Please follow the steps and contact us for further assistance if you continue to experience any difficulties accessing databases from off campus.


1.  How did you get to the database?
Did you use the library’s homepage?
Did you do an internet search, or use a link from somewhere else? Access to the databases needs to come from the library’s website.
  • Please open a new browser tab or window and enter the library's web address ( directly into your address bar. Then try to access the databases again. 
2.  Have you logged into the database?

When you click on a database link, you should see a login screen. Use your ASU login credentials (the same username and password as used to access Blackboard, RamPort, and your ASU email account).

  • If you did not access the database from the library’s website, please follow Step 1 and login when prompted.
  • If you are unsure what your ASU username and password are, please contact the IT Service Center at (866) 942-2911.
3.  If you are still not connecting to the databases, try clearing your browser's cookies and cache.
4.  Are you trying to access the databases from work?
  • You may be behind a security firewall that is blocking database access. You would need to contact your network administrator at work for a solution.
5.  Still not getting into the databases? It’s time to contact the library.
  • Please make a detailed description of the problem you are encountering. The more information you can provide helps us help you! If there is an error message or other notification on the screen, take a picture or write it down exactly as it appears on the screen, word for word. If you are experiencing a different problem, please be prepared to explain what is happening in detail.
  • When the library is open: please contact us at (325) 942-2222. After hours, please send an email to with a description of your problem (include screenshots if you can) and your preferred method of contact (phone number or ASU email).

Ask a Librarian

Need research assistance? One-on-one help is available via the Library’s Virtual Reference Room in Blackboard or Phone iconphone (325-486-6534) during the following hours:

  • Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
  • Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Saturday: 2 – 6 p.m.
  • Sunday: 1 – 5 p.m.
You can also contact us via Email email or by posting on the Ask a Librarian Discussion Board in Blackboard.
Messages sent outside of normal service hours will be answered the next day the library is open (check Library Hours of Operation for current schedule).