This guide is intended to provide assistance to faculty wishing to fulfill information literacy (critical thinking) outcomes in their courses. Librarians are happy to provide in-person instruction; this guide features additional video tutorials teaching information literacy concepts.
The Association for College and Research Libraries defines information literacy as "the ability to locate, evaluate, and effectively use information." This guide is divided into each of those three areas, with videos and assessments provided to teach corresponding skills.Flipped classroom style
Students complete video tutorials housed in Blackboard to introduce critical thinking about information and basic research skills followed up with an Information Literacy Workshop for active learning exercises using relevant search terms and resources.
Out-of-class: Approximately 50 minutes of homework (36 minutes of videos, 15 minutes of assessments) for each module.
Current Tutorials
Students complete a short assessment for each video
During Class: schedule a Research Librarian-led Information Literacy Workshop in the Library's ILC (during Priority Weeks) or in a computer classroom (anytime during the semester): 50 or 75-minute sessions. Please contact Kimberly Wirth or Mark Allan to make arrangements for distance learning courses.
Select 1-3 outcomes to assess, which could include practicing:
Note: if you would like a customized course-related worksheet, please let us know a week in advance and we’ll create one, staff time permitting.
Critical Thinking Student Learning Outcome (SLO)
These tutorials help meet the Critical Thinking Student Learning Outcome.
Use the following link register your course for access to our Information Literacy Tutorials with Quizzes. Select the sections you’d like to enroll and click “enroll selected classes.” Your course will be enrolled within the next business day.
When you’d like to check your students’ grades, please use the following link and your ASU login credentials: Grades.
If you'd like to have a librarian teach information literacy session(s), Use this Library Instruction Request Form. You may also contact Emily Krause or Kimberly Wirth.